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Build a world you believe in

Our community is spreading the message that we can do better, we can do more, we can stand up for ourselves and build a world in which we believe. A world where all children are safe, curious and happy. And where together we can decide without suffering.


"The Gratitude Journal: Practice Positivity, Give Thanks, Find Peace, and Joy.

All proceeds go to help the homeless with affordable housing!



Infinite Hope Affordable Housing started this project because of the homeless situation in California, seeing people on the streets and especially mothers with their children. We decided to start helping them and start day by day a new community for our country and the world.



The mission of Infinite Hope Affordable Housing, Inc is to provide and develop quality affordable housing opportunities for individuals and families while promoting self-sufficiency and neighborhood revitalization to strengthen communities.



Imagine a world where you could choose where you wanted to live, and you would not have to choose between eating a meal and paying your rent or your mortgage. There would not have to be a decision made between buying clothes for your children to wear to school and paying for internet service.


Educational Programs

We want to build communities with STEM Centers in the local neighborhood within the housing developments to offer a safe place to enrich the educational programs. We can, and we will change the beliefs, mindsets, and capabilities of our communities. Allowing the residence of our communities to start their own home-based businesses, all while teaching their children about being an entrepreneur.

Giving is a powerful pathway

The resounding answer is yes. Scientific research provides compelling data to support the anecdotal evidence that giving is a powerful pathway to personal growth and lasting happiness.

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Contact Us

16925 Devonshire Street 289,

Granada Hills, CA


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